Perm State Ballet School! My dream is coming true!

This past Wednesday I had the pleasure of receiving some very exciting news, and it’s only now that it’s starting to dawn on me that this is for real. I wanted to jump on my computer the minute I found out and write about it, but I just felt like I must be dreaming. So, I am happy to announce that I am very much awake and this is very much real life!

As the title suggests, I have been accepted to study at Perm State Ballet School!!!

Perm Ballet School is one of the top three ballet academies in Russia, and it was featured in a few documentaries including Captives of Terpsichore and A Beautiful Tragedy. 

School starts on September 1, and you bet your bottom dollars that I’m doing anything and everything to get ready!

It’s a challenge to communicate the level of excitement I’m feeling through a computer screen right now, but maybe this will provide a relatively tame idea of how excited I am:


Yep, I’m pretty excited! Not only is this a testament to my hard work and proof that it’s paying off, but I’m also accomplishing things that people once told me I would never accomplish. What’s more, is that this is really a once-in-a-lifetime, special opportunity, one which has the potential to really get me places. And most of all, by far the most amazing part of this all, is that this is literally my dream. How many people can they their dreams came true? Here I am, with the chance to be one of those select few that can say that! It’s INSANE. It’s incredible. I’m happy beyond what words can describe. 

Now – here’s to hoping it all actually works out! Here’s to hoping my dream comes true. I’ve been accepted, and I’m supposed to start on September 1, but I have a lot of preparations to do which will determine my future at Perm. 

The most critical of these preparations is the search for funding. The cost of tuition at one of the top ballet schools, travel between Perm and home, and pointe shoes for a 9:00 am -9:00 pm ballet schedule don’t come cheap. I’m looking, and trying to find a solution. I am away at a summer intensive now, and in between classes or whenever i have some spare time, I am working hard to make this dream – no, this reality! – come true. 

I have spent every minute of every day since I got the acceptance letter dreaming about Perm, fantasizing about being there and studying there, and feeling really proud of myself! I am excited to go home after my intensive and celebrate! 

Hi from Tel Aviv!

Hi all! 

I’ve been super busy, traveling to Israel, taking ballet classes, and spending time with family and friends. 

I also recently got some very good ballet-related news, but it’s still a secret for now! Once it’s for sure, you can bet I’ll make an announcement 😉

I’ve also been gathering quite the collection of pictures from my trip here, which I will share soon once my internet connection is better – at the moment, I think my laptop may explode if I try uploading all my photos now! 

I’m very excited because while my visit here in Israel has been amazing – and hot! – and I am enjoying [almost] every minute, on Friday I fly to Salzburg and for me that is the most exciting part of my summer!

Here in Israel, while I’ve had some ballet, it’s been hard to focus on it, so it’s really a pleasure to think about how in just a few days I can get back to my normal way of life – ballet 24/7! Haha!

Seriously, though – it’s been hard for me here without my regular ballet classes. I always take it for granted, but I don’t notice just how much ballet enriches my life when I am immersed in it until I’m not immersed in it. It’s been difficult, for sure. But I’m just happy that soon my life will go back to being what I like it to be. Vacation is fun, and family is good to see, but it’s very different, and as much as it is enjoyable, it is also stressful, and I must say I am very, very glad to be returning to something that more resembles normalcy for me. It’s good to get out of one’s comfort zone, but it’s also important to be comfortable 😉